EQuIP toolkit: Essential for country diagnostics

A country diagnostic is a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of a country’s industrial sector and its subsectors. Many UNIDO projects start with a country diagnostic to assess the strengths and weaknesses of its industry, particularly the manufacturing sector. Recent country diagnostics for Tanzania and Ukraine used indicators from the various EQuIP tools.

What is EQuIP?

EQuIP supports policymakers in developing countries to formulate and design evidence based strategies for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

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The Tools

The EQuIP toolbox offers stakeholders a range of methodologies to consider for industrial diagnosis and strategy design in their countries.

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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization are partners in the development and deployment of the EQuIP toolkit.

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EQuIP - Enhancing the Quality of Industrial Policies