EQuIP Training in EAC

EQuIP Training in the East African Community

EQuIP is expanding to the East African Community. In the week of September 21-25, 2015 Kampala welcomed the representatives from the EAC member states and the EAC Secretariat for an introduction into EQuIP. In the scope of the cooperation between UNIDO and GIZ both regional programs were involved in the training. A full-fledged training schedule is currently being drafted which will see a couple of trainings by UNIDO and another one by GIZ. The schedule will stretch over the next half year.

This intro training was combined with a teaser training on industrial statistics.

The Project

EQuIP supports policymakers in developing countries to formulate and design evidence based strategies for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

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The Tools

The EQuIP toolbox offers stakeholders a range of methodologies to consider for industrial diagnosis and strategy design in their countries.

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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization are partners in the development and deployment of the EQuIP toolkit.

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EQuIP - Enhancing the Quality of Industrial Policies